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·Bashang Grassland in spring  ·The mysterious restricted lives: Lop Nur (Luobupo area), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  ·Hulunbuir Prairie: purest land in China  ·Egyptian Girl  ·Silver jewelry of Hmong in China  ·Dazu Rock Carvings  ·Rizhao  ·Stone City Of Taxkorgan  ·Shenzhen Window of the World: China's famous man-made theme park  ·Xinjiang style: Akon Performance  ·Greece Scenery  ·The Yellow River Basin: the birthplace of China's ancient culture  ·Honghai Beach Of Panjin  ·Qinhuangdao View  ·Yanqing Guyaju site of Beijing: tousand years of human Cave in China  
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